“Money Power of the Gods” is a unique concept in Russian History and it deals with a group of individuals who control the wealth in Russia. These men, known as the “Tsarons”, exert power and influence through the levers of power they use for their own personal gain. The book also shows how these “Tsarons” use secret trading boards called the “Mixed Loans” to make transactions in foreign currency which they use for purchasing huge amounts of rubles from their clients. Through out the history of this novel we learn that some of these “Tsarons” were directly involved in the stealing of state property for themselves, but they were never tried for such crimes. In the end we learn that they are not the only people involved in this story, there are others including the main character, the investor, and others who have heard about them all their lives. Click here.
The Insider Guide to Investing
The novel starts with the arrest of Vasili Oreshkin, who is the first ever investor in Muscovite. He is tried and convicted for theft of state property and is sent to serve his time in the penal colony of Pskov. There he meets Andree Putulina, a young woman who has been orphaned after her mother was killed by a Tikhosi. She was very angry at her past and wants to start a new life but Vasili tells her that he cannot support her and she must look for a better place to live. But before starting her new life she wants to meet Vasili so that she can learn all she needs to know about him and how he became such a successful investor.
And so soon after meeting both they fall in love with each other and marry. They decide to go on a fishing trip together and soon after they are captured by the Cossacks who want to sell them to the highest bidder, but they manage to escape and return to Russia. From there Vasili begins to learn more about the world of investing and becomes increasingly frustrated with Nina for refusing to let go of her business. They soon find out that the reason Naotka was so ruthless in selecting her buyers was because she had been told thatns were untrustworthy and thatns were dangerous.